Blogs are modern-day pamphleteering

Some people with a bias for institutional authority and deference to elite power condescend to the idea of blogs or citizen journalism.

My hypothesis: part of the reason is the word ‘blog’ sounds funny and people feel self-conscious saying it out loud.

American exceptionalism is the ability to memory-hole first-principles, history, and the meaning of words better than the rest than the rest of the world.

Log: sailor’s “log-book” from Age of Discovery (1670s) became “log”, or a “record of observations, readings” in 1842.

Web: the Old English “webb” meant “woven fabric, woven work, or tapestry”; the Internet sense shortened from World Wide Web ca. 1990.

A “web log” is a recorded set of observations on the internet (i.e. a weblog) shortened to “blog”.

Blogs are a modern-day form of pamphleteering.


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